A content creation level color reproduction of 93% Adobe RGB, 95% DCI-P3 and 80% REC.2020 by utilizing a dynamically engineered layer of Quantum Dot nanoparticles. The monitor's captivating colors are engineered around the needs for the best color values, enriching the realism experience. Quantum Dot technology lets you experience mesmerizing images bursting with a dazzling range of over one billion colors, each upscale to incredible clarity thanks to our intelligent processor.
Rapid IPS display provides gamers with an ultra-fast 1ms GTG response time, which will significantly reduce monitor blur occurrence. The crystal clear image will certainly give you a competitive edge for precise decisions in fast-moving games.
Equipped with a 170Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time Rapid IPS panel which has the benefit in fast moving game genres such as first person shooters, fighters, racing sims, real-time strategy, and sports. These type of games require fast and precise movements, which an refresh rate and fast response time monitor will put you ahead of your competition.
Challenge any game without screen tearing, stuttering, flicker, or artifacts. G-SYNC compatible dynamically matches the refresh rate of the display to the frame rate of the GPU.